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Grains of Sand

The day started well, as many days do (by 'well', I mean I was up before anyone else, running beside a splendid bit of sea in the sun). The sun was shining, and all looked well with the world...

However, pretty much as usual, the dark, ironic bitch... commonly known as the Universe, decided to begin to play...

Wandering along the beach (now I use the word 'beach', in its loosest possible term - what I mean to say is "area of land beside the sea resembling the driveway leading to my uncle's house" - due to the gravel nature), I spotted two old fellows going through what must be a daily ritual (it might appear warm, but at 5:30 the fresh wind from the sea easily defeated the valiant vanguard of the early morning sun...

While I'd have been quite happy wandering the day, picking up small ironies with the occasional absurdism, I'd had my itenary resolvedfor me by other, wiser heads. I was to board a small hovercraft, float, 'leaf on the wind-like', across a part of the sea, and visit an island called Wight.

Upon this sunny island I should catch two buses, and 'soon', arrive at a well-reputed theme park. I never arrived...

What really happened...?

I found the first bus, populated by salad[ly] challenged (I want to say 'dirty slobs', but as that's a little rude - though true - I'll settle for), fat, ugly, gits (please not the shoes on some future soul's seats)..

After about half an hour, so not so quick, I arrived in the small town of Newport, where an extremely nice bus driver called Dom (I feel he's worth a mention due to his kind amiability - not sarcasm), who informed me (and I seriously thought he was 'pulling my leg' - those unaware of English idioms... look it up!), the next, longer, bus journey to the park would leave in just over TWO HOURS. I was faced with the prospect of waiting in the town centre (small supermarkets for a couple of hours are one of my very favourite ways to pour an afternoon down the loo), then taking the bus, and depending on the return times being between 5 minutes and 2 hours in the [unknown quality], theme park before my exciting return journey...

I ate some cold meat and cheese on a bench and turned back...

The next bus driver was fun...

Immediately after telling me to sit and wait he opened the doors, with no one queueing I entered the bus to be told to get off while those who'd been waiting could get on... thirty seconds later one person shuffled into the bus before me. My ticket was then scrutinised as if he'd ever seen one before until he grudgingly allowed me to enter...

(not easy to get that picture without an exchange of... words)

After this adventure I decided I couldn't take any more excitement... so I went back to the hotel for a lie down!!!

Oh, what adventures await the morrow...!

There's no real reason for this picture...

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